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Collection: Some essential knowledge of Foreign trade in Turkey 2

Release Time:2024-08-29 04:15:27

Customs Policy:

Cargo handling: If the incoming goods are placed in the customs for more than 4 months, the customs can treat the goods as ownerless goods and have the right to auction.
Transhipment provisions: After the arrival of the goods at the port, if there is a problem, the goods need to be pulled back or transhipped, there must be a formal "notice of refusal to receive" issued by the consignee, otherwise it is not allowed to pull back or transhipment.
Priority of purchase: If goods are auctioned by customs for various reasons, then the original importer is the first to have the right to make the purchase (the first buyer).

Customs clearance period: for sea cargo, within 45 days from the date of submission of the customs declaration; For goods by other means of transport, within 20 days from the date of submission of the customs declaration. If necessary, the General Administration of Customs may shorten or extend the above period, generally by a maximum of 30 days.

Turkey's tariff rates range from 0% to 145%, with an average tariff rate of 6.02%. Certain goods are exempt from tariffs, such as books, laptops and other electronic products. VAT = Standard VAT rate 18%× (CIF price + customs duty), some goods such as food enjoy preferential VAT rate. The value of imported goods (FOB) does not exceed 75 euros and is exempt from customs duty, VAT and special consumption tax. A special consumption tax is levied at a certain rate on the basis of the CIF price and the sum of customs duties for a specific commodity.

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