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Release Time:2023-07-11 08:47:30

The circulation and supply of armaments related to tactical departments are called logistics. "-1905 Johnsy B. Baker 1. Meaning: International logistics is a collective term for logistics functions, activities, and processes such as transportation, storage, loading and unloading, handling, circulation, processing, packaging, and international distribution of goods between different countries or regions. Narrowly defined international logistics refers to trade based international logistics. Broadly speaking, international logistics includes both trade oriented international logistics and non trade oriented international logistics. Non trade international logistics mainly includes international exhibition logistics, international postal logistics, and other aspects. 2. Function: International logistics crosses national borders and operates between different countries. Promote the rational flow of goods worldwide, optimize the route of international commodity flow, minimize circulation costs, provide the best services, and maximize benefits, promoting global economic development. 3. Characteristics: Differences in logistics environment; (Different countries have different laws, languages, economic development levels, scientific and technological levels, logistics technologies, facilities, and humanistic habits) The complexity of logistics system; The international nature of the "game rules" is characterized by uneven logistics systems and technologies among countries, making it difficult to unify logistics standards; Risk; (Politics: trade barriers, tariff wars, nature: special weather, economy: currency exchange rates, inflation, etc.) Technical and standardization requirements. 4. Development trend: the development of Third-party logistics; The proposal of green logistics; The logistics industry is developing towards diversified formats; Provide value-added services to customers; Cross border e-commerce; 5. Cross border e-commerce is led by exports, effectively expanding markets, reducing costs, establishing brands, and promoting transformation.
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